Receiving entails giving, and giving entails receiving. Feel grateful for the help you received and the help you were able to provide.
When you share something of value, the message you tell yourself is that I have plenty. I am contributing to a purpose on the planet. That message goes deep and activates a healthy set of genes, improving your physical and mental health.
When I was a child, looking back, my challenges were small. Learning to brush my teeth, dress up, read, memorize ABCs, was not too difficult. My effort almost always led to the desired outcome. As a result, here is a simple formula I wrote up in my head: Effort + Intentions = Outcomes.
The calm of a deep breath, the taste of water, the sound of a chuckle, an old memory, the aroma of coffee—you could consider them ordinary or special. The ordinary or special label is a matter of perspective. Deep breath may be just a thought away for you, but it is truly special for someone with chronic lung disease; a warm hug is easy to come by for an elementary school teacher (though not so easy the past few months) but could be a delicacy for a lonely senior.