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Have you ever…

Felt guilty despite giving your best?
Struggled with the negative voice in your head?
Felt unaccomplished or unworthy despite being successful?
Wondered why you feel lonely despite meeting so many people?

If yes, then it is time to reclaim your most important relationship - with yourself.

In his new book, It Takes You to Tango,

Dr. Amit Sood, shares science, stories, and skills to help you develop a positive, nurturing relationship with yourself and overcome "inner loneliness" - in three simple steps.

Step 1.

Shed self-rejection

Eliminate shame and toxic guilt; convert guilt into purposeful action and compassion

Step 2.

Build self-worth

Eliminate hurtful comparisons;
build intrinsic self-worth

Step 3.

Nurture self-love

Develop authentic self-compassion,
self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness

Research shows simply spending more time with others fails to uplift our spirits.  For instance…

Attending more meetings often increases feelings of loneliness.1

Increasing social interactions might do little to eliminate lonely feelings.2

A broken relationship with self — feeling unworthy, guilty, and a lack of self-trust — are strongly associated with loneliness and worse mental health.3-5

A positive relationship with self is thus central to your other two relationships: with people and life’s purpose.

  2. Masi, C. M., et al. Personality and social psychology review, 2011; Stavrova, O., et al. Journal of happiness studies, 2023.
  3. Pedroso-Chaparro, M. D. S., et al. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2023.
  4. Yang C. C. Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, 2016.
  5. Qualter, P., et al. Journal of adolescence, 2013.

Ten things you’ll learn from this book:

Learn how to…

Quiet the negative voice in your head that compares, judges, and bullies you from inside.

Redirect your brain’s feedback loops to develop self-trust instead of imposter feelings.

Transform guilt into life-affirming actions and feelings.

Escape the comparison trap to boost self-worth.

Beat the world at its game when it tries to push you into self-rejection.

Reverse the toxic effects of social media on your self-worth.

Transcend the barriers to self-compassion.

Embrace all aspects of you by Acknowledging, Letting in, Valuing, and Empathizing (ALiVE).

Overcome your mind’s barriers to self-forgiveness.

Develop a life-long friendship with yourself with an actionable, simple, and engaging 14-day plan.

Take the next step


12-weeks of daily excerpts from the book

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Year of Healing provides you one brief uplifting audio message from Dr. Sood every day for six months.