Just as trees grow their branches toward the sun, spend more time with the people who are your source of light.
Competition for sunlight is one of the strongest factors shaping forest architecture. Trees have adapted by learning to bend toward the light. But is that what our mind does?
Recognize that a lot isn’t in your control. You can’t stop the snow, but you can open the umbrella.
Minnesotans celebrate the first snow and the seventh, but not when it snows on the 4th of July. Recently, my goldendoodle puppy, Simba taught me an important lesson about going with the flow. I was worried Simba won’t find enough grass in deep winter.
Receiving entails giving, and giving entails receiving. Feel grateful for the help you received and the help you were able to provide.
When you share something of value, the message you tell yourself is that I have plenty. I am contributing to a purpose on the planet. That message goes deep and activates a healthy set of genes, improving your physical and mental health.