Hope and healing
December 31, 2023
Here are six key ideas I shared in the previous blogs. Pick the one that makes the most sense to you for today.
Recognize that in any climb step backs are inevitable. In fact, step backs offer the safest and quickest route to the top.
Taking care of your health not only improves your present wellbeing but also materially changes your genetic expression, setting you up for lasting positive health.
People who allow you to help them are truly assisting every aspect of your life. Feel grateful to those who willingly accept your help.
Both crying and laughing can help your immunity. Your happiness increases your loved ones and friends’ happiness. Your tears show that you care.
Simple things happen many times during the day, while phenomenal achievements are rare. If you choose to be grateful for the simple and ordinary, that will gift you many moments of joy on otherwise “ordinary” days.
Try to find humor in everyday annoyances to convert those into positive moments.
I pray you find hope and healing today.
Excerpted from the book, That Makes Sense: Resilience-insights to lift your day.
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